Who started at LRES as a student teacher and has taught at LRES for almost a decade? Our very own Ms. Purvis! She co-teaches second-grade ELA and phonics and offers differentiated instruction to our students.
Read more about what she likes to do in her free time, where she likes to eat, and what other subject she loved as a student besides ELA.
1. How long have you been working for Dekalb County Schools?
I have been at Laurel Ridge for 8 years! This was my first school I taught at after college and have been here ever since. I did part of my student teaching here and fell in love with the small neighborhood school feel.
2. What does your day-to-day look like at Laurel Ridge?
I am a co-teacher in 2nd grade with Ms. Kouranos. I lead ELA and phonics lessons and offer differentiated support to our exceptional learners.
3. What do you want parents and caregivers to know about your role? What about students?
I want people to know that I have high expectations for all learners. I want students to know that every single one of them is capable of meeting their goals and feeling proud of themself, and getting to be a part of that process is the reason I became a teacher.
4. What do you love most about working at a school?
I love the teamwork and comradery I share with my co-workers, and I love building a classroom family style community with my students.
5. What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like to spend time outdoors with my husband and my 16-month-old son. We live in town and love to go for bike rides and go running on the beltline.
6. What is your favorite kid-friendly joke?
I am not the best joke teller, but am known to be sarcastic/silly with co-workers and students alike
7. What were your favorite subjects when you were a student?
My favorite subjects were ELA and Science. I was strictly into ELA until I had a really amazing Science teacher in 5th grade.
8. Do you have a favorite food spot near LRES?
For lunch nothing beats a Publix sandwich or a Gusto bowl. For dinner I recently discovered Madras Mantra, the paneer is fantastic!