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The Road to Rock Eagle

Tarvis Thompson-Pace

A long-standing tradition at Laurel Ridge has been the end-of-year field trip the 5th graders take to the Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, GA. The overnight trip signifies that the elementary years have come to an end for our ‘seniors’ and celebrates the bonds they have built during their time at Laurel Ridge.

To prepare for their trip to the science-focused “classroom without walls” and other end-of-the-year celebrations, the 5th graders sponsor a series of fundraisers throughout the year to help offset trip costs for transportation, lodging, and food. The fundraisers ensure an inclusive trip experience for all 5th-grade students.

Purchases of concessions during movie night and the fall festival, as well as Halloween candy grams and Winter candy cane sales, have netted the 5th graders about $1800 so far! The 5th-grade fundraisers will continue with the Spring Fling Dance in March.

If the fundraisers remain successful, the goals will be to reduce the per-student fee for the Rock Eagle overnight trip (typically $100 per student), offer financial support to students who need assistance, and of course, eliminate the per-student fee for all 41 5th grade students, if possible.

For more information or to learn how you can offer support for the 5th-grade fundraisers and Rock Eagle trip, please contact the 5th-grade teachers. Thank you for your ongoing support of the 5th-grade students as they wind down elementary school and prepare to soar toward middle school.



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